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On the March 25th, 2012 there was a meeting held between President of “Borodino” Group of Companies Mr. Tigran Nersisyan and Minister of Commerce and Industry of Botswana Mrs. Makrgato–Malesu. 2018-03-25

Mrs. Makrgato–Malesu heads an official delegation of Botswana government members and representatives of Botswana business community arrived in Moscow in order to participate in the forum “Investment possibilities between Botswana and Russian Federation”.

The meeting of Mr. Nersisyan and Mrs. Makrgato–Malesu became a final stage of the series of meetings and negotiations held during several months by “Borodino” Group administration and Botswanan party in order to discuss the participation of the Group in the investment projects realization in Botswana.

Mrs. Minister has confirmed the keen interest of the Government of Botswana in investments attraction and pointed out that the most favorable conditions would be provided for the foreign companies realizing the infrastructural projects in Botswana. «We are aimed at the diversification of Botswanan economics, the priority spheres are coal mining and energetic, transport infrastructure, telecommunications, pharmaceutics and medicine,” – Minister of Commerce and Industry has stated. «We are convinced that “Borodino” Group of Companies will become a remarkable player on the African market. Complex approach to the big projects realization demonstrated by your company appeals to our country so much,” – has continued Mrs. Makrgato–Malesu.

Mr. Nersisyan has presented, in his turn, the series of projects performed by “Borodino” Group and informed the guests of company’s abilities to realize the “turn-key” project of any complicacy. «We are focused on the innovation development and apply the technologies already approved and effectively used in the own projects of the Group. Our experience will be, I believe, very interesting and valuable for the realization of the projects in Botswana we are going to participate,” – Mr. Nersisyan has added.

President of “Borodino” Group of Companies Mr. Tigran Nersisyan has accepted the invitation of Minister of Commerce and Industry Mrs. Makrgato–Malesu to pay the visit to Botswana. The parties have concretized the further steps and measures of the mutually fruitful cooperation.


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